
Data privacy

Your data safety is our priority. The personal data of our users is secured over our database and is not accessible to public. The reviews, comments and recipes are shared with other users to enjoy and appreciate.
YES! Once You login with your last used email id, you will get your saved data and preferences on your new device or after re-installing the app.
The data and preferences on a guest login are temporarily saved and not retained after log out. You can link your Guest account with your email and save your data and preferences for future use.
YES! You can delete your data (comments, reviews and other saved preferences) individually from the specific tabs where it was added by you OR You can also delete your account from the settings page.

App Filter / User Preference

Allergy filter:
You can choose the type of allergies like Seafood, Nuts, Dairy, if any, for your preference.
Cuisine filter:
Choose your preferred cuisine like Mexican, Thai, Chinese, Italian, Indian, African & many more to filter out the recipes of your choice.
Course filter:
Choose the type of course like Entree, Appetizer, Accompaniment recipes you prefer from this filter.
Dietary filter:
Choose your dietary preference (Filter out Vegan, Vegetarian, Beef free, Pork free recipes OR prefer Diabetic, Ketogenic, Mediterranean, Lactose free, Gluten free, Anti inflammatory etc recipes) from this filter and enjoy!

InApp / premium

There are 2 types of purchases which can be done on our app:
Ad free
This in app purchase allows you to enjoy our application without any advertisements for lifetime. Some features may remain limited.
Upgrade to premium
This in-app purchase allows you an ad free as well as unlimtied access to all our features for lifetime. This is a one time only payment model. The unlimited features include Edubank, Nutritional Information, Ingredient Benefits, Health tips/ Nature cure, Recipe print, Recipe filter, Look up search by ingredient name, Meal Planner, Pantry Search, Handsfree, Turbosearch.
You can go to the ‘upgrade to premium’ page in settings or navigation page and restore your purchase from there! Please make sure you have logged in from the same account you had made the purchased on.

Fitness Tracker

Fitness Tracker consist of following tabs:
Activity tracker: Track your daily activities/workout to keep a note for your daily calorie burn and stay healthy & fit!
Calories burnt: Find out the number of calories you have burnt during your day to day activities.
BMI calculator: Find out your BMI using our BMI calculator and find out your current fitness level.
Water Intake: Keep a track of your daily water intake to stay hydrated!
Sleep tracker: Keepig a check on your sleep everyday is a great way to enhance fitness. Use our sleep tracker and find out how healthy your sleep is!


‘Articles’ is our attempt at spreading information, happiness, health and love of the culinary world to our users in a fun and approachable way! We want you to stay updated, informed, loved and fed. All this can be done by going through our articles every once in a while. We have articles for your health, fun days, festivals, parties and much more!


Community is a collection / group of food lovers and enthusiasts who share similar interests in the realms of food and culinary world. Foodies don’t differentiate! Anyone can join these communities after a login from your email account. You should join because we all love to be a part of a community and love to belong! It’s our safe haven!


Search can be done by 2 modes:
Look Up By – Just click on the search icon on the top right hand side. This search allows you to search on basis of 2 criterias, that is, search by recipe name or search through ingredient names to get the related recipes.

Turbo Search/Advanced Search – Refine your search by choosing from different tags like Cooking Type, Course, Eating Time, Food Type, Taste Bud, Type of Diet, Ingredients etc. It’s simple! Explore and you’ll get the related recipes.

Voice command freedom: You can use our voice commmand option for any of the ingredients or recipe names search in the app.

Voice command

You can use our voice command option for any of the ingredients or recipe names search in the application including search by Ingredient/Recipe, Pantry search, Handsfree
This app has a two way recipe filters. Here you can not only filter what you want but even what you don’t want.
Ingredient Filter – You can type the name of the ingredient you want to include and then tap on the include button. Similarly, tap on the exclude button after entering the name of the ingredient you want to exclude from your search.
Dietary Filter:
Inclusion filter – to include what you want from the dietary tabs, tap once on the tabs of your choice, the green appearing tabs are included in the search.
Exclusion filter – to exclude what you want from the dietary tabs, tap twice on the tabs of your choice, the red appearing tabs are excluded from the search.
Tap on ‘Get Recipes’ to explore!

Tips/ nature care

Find tips and nature based cure for beauty, food, household remedies, health and wellness and miscellaneous tabs to elevate your lifestyle.

Food channel

You can log in via your email id account and scroll towards ‘view all channels’ or simply tap on food channels from the navigation menu bar. Tap on ‘Start channel’. Fill in a channel name, short description and set up a profile & cover image. Create your first post by including an image and a short comment/caption. We will verify and approve all the above for authenticity and your food channel journey begins! We advise consistency to gain more followers.
Anyone! Anyone can start their food channel, once they log in via their email account.

Pantry Search

If you have any leftovers in the fridge/kitchen and wondering so as what to cook, “Pantry Search” can definitely help you in preparing yummy and unique recipes. Just type in the ingredients and shake your phone to get a list of recipes.


Yoga tutorial videos based on time of the day and body specific yogasanas. Choose based on sunrise or bedtime recommended asanas, along with yogasanas for your arms, legs, belly and butt.

Recipe List

Sorting can be done in three ways:
Alphabetical Sorting – This shows the list of recipes in an alphabetic order.
Sorting by Popularity – The recipes can be sorted on the basis of popularity or likability. This too can be done in the ascending and descending order.
Sorting by number of calories- The recipes can be sorted on the basis of calorie count. In increasing or decreasing order.

Recipe Page

YES! You can share your recipe with your loved ones by clicking the share icon at the top right corner of the recipe page.
YES! The print icon at the top right corner of the recipe page allows you to print the recipe.
Yes! The video play icon on recipe image allows you to play the recipe preparation video.
Photo / video: You can try your hand at our recipe methods and contribute their images and videos to share with others. We feature these images with the main recipe image!
EduBank: The ‘owl’ shaped icon at the right side of the screen on the recipe image allows you to save the recipe as your favorite. These recipes can be accessed anytime from the navigation panel through the EduBank tab.
You can tap on the ‘servings’ tab below the recipe name and adjust the number of servings from the drop down menu.
You can get the nutritional information from the Nutrition tab on recipe page, which provides the entire nutritional profile of the recipe per serving; You can also get nutrition for an ingredient through the icon at the right of each ingredient.
Try our Meal planner! Meal Planner is denoted by a calendar symbol on recipe page. Meal planner allows the user to add single or multiple recipes for special meals under breakfast, lunch or dinner. It helps in adding meals to the device calendar, which shows up as notification, when the eating time finally arrives. You can add your plan name.
YES! You can add the ingredients to your grocery/shopping list for any number of recipes by tapping on the ‘+’ sign besides the ingredient. This list can be accessed from the navigation panel through the ‘shopping list’ tab.
YES! To avoid any hassle of ingredients and handling your device at the same time, we have this “Handsfree” feature. Just give it Voice Commands and it will read out the recipe preparation method to you!
YES! You can write your reviews for the recipes and share your experience with other users.

User account / Comment report


If you click on to Contribute, a screen appears wherein the user can enter Recipe Name, Serving, Cooking time, Ingredients and Preparation steps. The user can also send recipe photo and Preparation video of the recipe. After entering all the data and media, the user must click on to the Contribute button to finally contribute the recipe.


Voice Commands – Control the Voice Command feature from here. Upgrade to Premium – You can gain unlimited access to all the features by paying once. Remove Ads – You can also remove all advertisements by paying once.
You can change the app language by selecting your language from Navigation or setting page.
You can change your app preference (your allergic, cuisine, course and dietary) from Navigation or from setting.
YES! You can download the Image pack from setting page.
YES! You can use your preferred measurement unit system from MKS (Meter Kilogram Second system) or LPS (Liter Pound Second system) from setting page.
YES! You can enable/disable recipe of the day notification as per choice of time from setting page.